In The News


Conversations with our Cofounders in Voyager Raleigh

Stephanie and Barb were recently interviewed by local magazine VoyageRaleigh. Read about their stories and how they got the APSF started.


APSF Featured in Abbington Life

A great article on the Apex Public School Foundation was featured in Abbington Life, the neighborhood newsletter of a beautiful subdivision in Apex. Read it here!


APSF Wins Think Apex Award

We’re so proud to announce we’ve been named the “Top Thinker” in the 2020 Think Apex Awards non-profit category!

APSF Announces First-Ever Grant Recipients


APSF President Barb Conroy on Peak City Podcast

In March 2019, Barb sat down with Shane Reese, voice of Peak City Podcast, to discuss why she felt the need to organize a foundation for Apex schools.


APSF in Suburban Living—Apex

On March 21, 2019, APSF was featured in the Apex Suburban Living publication. Article by Amy Iori.

“At the end of my daughter’s first grade year at Salem Elementary School, I asked her what she thought would make nice end-of-year gifts for her teachers. Hoping for a solid idea I could duplicate several times over, I prompted her with, “What are some things that they particularly like?” She responded, “Clorox wipes.”

She’s 20 years old now, but I never forgot that conversation because it was both funny and sad…”


Want to feature APSF in your publication or on your website? Contact us!